2018 Project 365, Day 99: Green Mangoes

Photo #99: April 9

One of the reasons why my sister stayed over the weekend: mango picking!!! 33 kilos in total, thanks to our more than 20-year old tree! Aside from bagoong, any sawsawan recommendations? I will seriously find time to peel and slice these so I can snack on them during breaks!!! 😀



2017 Project 365, Day 32: Pickled Mangoes

Photo #32: February 1

My Mandi’s Grill Grub family spoils me with so much good food!!! 😀 Thank you for these mouthwatering pickled mango strips!!! UGH SO DELISH! It’s difficult to stop eating them!!! Just saying “pickled mangoes” tickles my taste buds!!! ❤ ❤ ❤



2015 Project 365, Day 140: Indian Mangoes

Photo #140: May 20

At least 20 years ago, my father planted the seed of a really sweet mango. We’ve been enjoying the mango tree’s fruits for several years now, and they are always very sweet! I have no tree climbing skills, but I can still enjoy these lovely mangoes thanks to the Juan Tamad method: I simply pick up the fallen fruits! I’ve been eating these juicy babies since last night, and I can’t wait to get more! 😀 Sarap!

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