2019 Project 365, Day 59: Mcdonald’s Flavors of Japan

Photo #59: February 28

Had to try Mcdo’s #FlavorsOfJapan because, well, hello, Japan.  For the ebi burger, I like the light, semi-sweet sauce and the shrimp patty’s tempura coating. However, the shrimp itself is not as juicy nor as flavorful as other shrimp burgers I’ve tried, but it’s still a decent try. I prefer the juicy beef patty of the teriyaki burger and its mayo. I wasn’t too happy with the teriyaki sauce, though. I felt it was either too sweet or too salty and also too much. The Nori fries were okay, but I prefer Tokyo Tokyo’s nori-wasabi fries as they have a good balance of flavors. Anyway, just give your fries a good shake to evenly coat them with the Nori powder. Lastly, the strawberry sakura McFloat tasted like medicine at first, but after a few sips, it became tolerable. Generally, I am not a fan of floats because they are too sweet – I just wanted to try this one.

So would I order these again? The float, definitely not. Also, I’d rather have plain salted Mcdo fries or honey-butter shake-shake fries (or barbecue). As for the burgers, hmmmm…. I’d probably want to get the teriyaki one again, but I’d request for less sauce.

I wonder what Mcdonald’s in Japan offers this season… hoping to find out soon! 



2019 Project 365, Day 6: Peri-Peri Charcoal Chicken

Photo #6: January 6

Accomplishing adulting errands should be rewarded with good food, yeah? On the table: peri-peri chicken, jalapeno fries, truffle pasta, salad, mac & cheese, and corn & carrots. Our favorite, Harissa sauce, is present, too!  #Sundate



2018 Project 365, Day 280: Potato Corner Fries

Photo 280: October 7

Potato Corner’s fries count as a decent meal after 2 days of having a weak appetite, right? Riiiiight. Haaaaaayyyyy, it’s just one of those days when you just want to curl up in bed, not worrying about anything at all. But then you remember you’re an adult, so you gotta suck it up and do whatever needs to be done. And then you also remember you’re sick, ughhhh I hope to get well soon; otherwise, I don’t think I’d be able to reach 500 lessons this month. Aiming for at least 350. From fries to fried…brain.
