2016 Project 365, Day 154: Vlogs until July!

Photo #154: June 2

Still sick, and since I have no idea how long my recovery period will be, I decided to not work starting tomorrow until next week. That would entail declining events, so sorry! 😦 On the other hand, I’m glad that I don’t have to make any vlogs; with this bunch, I have content until July! Oh Asclepius, do you have any Gorgon blood to spare? Hehe, I think it’s time that I catch up on some serious reading.

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2016 Project 365, Day 93: Future Vlogs!

Photo #93: April 2

Just uploaded the last video from my old batch of finished vlogs, and here’s the latest set of my upcoming vlogs! I already have content until May! It’s so nice not to have any backlogs! 🙂 Subscribe to my channel for more foodventure vlogs! 🙂

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2016 Project 365, Day 59: Upcoming Vlogs!

Photo #59: February 28

Eight. The most number of ready-to-upload vlogs I’ve had since I started being a YouTuber. I actually have content until April already, that is, if I stick to uploading just one video per week. I still have 2 more vlogs to make, so technically, I have 10. I’m so excited to post everything already, but I have to exercise much self-control haha! I am particularly looking forward to starting a new playlist, dedicated to the foodventures of The Food Crawlers!!! Want to be updated? Do like my page What the F and subscribe to my YT channel! 🙂 Thanks in advance! ❤

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2016 Project 365, Day 51: 10th Pinoy Media Congress Boot Camp

Photo #51: February 20

This day is definitely one for the books as I was invited to be one of the speakers at the 10th Pinoy Media Congress boot camp, organized by my Chicken Pork Adobo Network family! I discussed how one could jumpstart his/her online presence, and it felt really great to inspire/motivate my audience (mostly college students) to pursue their passions! I’ve always secretly dreamed of speaking about what I’m passionate about, and I never thought it would actually happen! Thank you for all the wonderful opportunities and the exposure, CPA! A special shout out to my network manager Catherine for believing in me from the very start! ❤ ‪#‎Adobers ‬ #‎ThankYouForTheLove‬ ‪#‎PMC10‬




2016 Project 365, Day 32: February Vlogs

Photo #32: February 1

My YouTube channel‘s all set for February! Not sure which ones to publish first since I also have scheduled shoots this month, but I can’t wait to share all of these!!! 😀 Vlogging is time consuming, but super fun!!! 🙂

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2015 Project 365, Day 319: A Touching Message <3

Photo #319: November 15

Rough translation: “Hi! This is Prancess Manahan. Your blog is nice and inspiring. You are also very good at expressing yourself on video. I could not help but send a message: just like you, I am also a Scholastican and UP graduate, plus I also worked at Rare Job! If you’re frequently in UP, we can hopefully meet you in person. We both like food! My partner (a culinary instructor) and I would like to invite you to our eatery in Area 2, even just to talk or visit. Thank you. I hope you’d notice this message even though I know you have a lot of activities and other things to do. Thank you for reading. If not here, you can text or call me anytime. Thanks again.”

Dear Prancess, it is I who should do the thanking! I got teary-eyed after reading your message, and you inspire me to do better and continue doing what I love: sharing information on what’s good or not, particularly when it comes to food! I am looking forward to meeting you! See you soon! ❤

p.s. Many thanks as well to all those who support What the F – my blog and YouTube channel! You guys rock!!! ❤

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